Minister Outlines Vital SOE Roles To Achieve Economic Growth In 2045

DINAMIKASULTRA.COM, JAKARTA – State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) have an important role in laying the foundation for Indonesia’s economic growth in 2045, SOEs Minister Erick Thohir said during the 2022 SOEs Corporate Communications and Sustainability Summit.
“The year 2045 will become our nation’s turning point when our economy continues to grow, with four things to strengthen the foundation,” Thohir stated in a written statement received here on Friday.
The four key areas where SOEs can support Indonesia’s 2045 economic growth include downstreaming of natural resources, optimizing the potential of the digital economy, realizing professional and transparent SOEs, and developing human capital, he added.
Therefore, Thohir said, he requires all SOEs to contribute to the four focuses.
“Regarding downstreaming of natural resources, state-owned mining companies are doing quite well in the nickel, bauxite, and tin sector,” he noted.
However, he said, Indonesia faced problems in looking for quick money and forgot that all these mining products have extraordinary value for the nation. Therefore, SOEs have a big responsibility in optimizing the downstreaming of natural resources, he added.
For this reason, the ministry has presented awards to SOEs showing terrific performance in terms of internal and external communication.
Meanwhile, special staff III of the Minister of SOEs, Arya Sinulingga, said that the 2022 SOEs Corporate Communications and Sustainability Summit (BCOMSS) is an effort to measure the level of success of SOEs in maintaining communication and information.
“We also see how they maintain relationships with their stakeholders to build relationships with the media to reach corporate targets,” Sinulingga informed.
He said he hopes that BCOMSS will boost SOEs’ performance since the assessment is being carried out objectively by Najwa Sihab, J. Ansye Sopacua, Yoris Sebastian, Maria R. Nindita Radyati, Tedi Bharata, and Arya Sinulingga.
“We also assess the success of their corporate social responsibility (CSR), both in health and education environment for micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). We measure everything from there over the past year,” he added.
He also said he hopes that BCOMSS will be able to trigger SOEs’ performance to keep working hard for the next year.(ds/antara)