W Papua Cultural Carnival Seeks to Promote Unity

Women from different associations took part in a cultural carnival in Manokwari district, West Papua, on Saturday (August 13, 2022). (ds/ANTARA/Rachmat Julaini)


DINAMIKASULTRA.COM, MANOKWARI, W PAPUA – A cultural carnival was organized in West Papua on Saturday to commemorate the 77th anniversary of Indonesia’s independence and promote unity.


The one-day carnival could also function as a means of introducing a variety of cultures, which can motivate people to learn about the diverse cultures in West Papua, spokesperson for the Women Association (Finya Maybrat), Yosephus Kosamakh, said here on Saturday.


“If we have no culture, we will have no self-esteem and other people will not recognize us. With culture, we will become strong,” she remarked.


Kosamakh said that she and 13 of her friends came from Maybrat district to take part in the cultural carnival in Manokwari district, wearing traditional woven fabric, which is usually given as dowry.


In addition, they also wore necklaces with bead details, which their ancestors used to barter for other goods, she informed.


“The barter depended on an agreement between the interested person and the good’s owner who would conduct the barter,” she said.


The cultural carnival could be held without having to wait for a momentum, such as Independence Day, she noted. It could be held to gather all national cultures at one forum.


She deemed the carnival important, saying the younger generations must learn about their culture.


Meanwhile, chief of the cultural section of the West Papua Provincial Culture and Tourism Office, Herman Sayori, said the carnival aimed to promote the protection, preservation, and observance of the existing culture in the province.


Cultural development has been mandated in Law No. 5 of 2017 on Cultural Advancement. Cultural advancement is aimed at confirming culture as a pillar of the nation’s identity and supporting economic self-reliance and political sovereignty.(ds/antara)

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