BNPB Provides Aid for Post-Disaster Recovery in Trenggalek

DINAMIKA SULTRA.COM, TRENGGALEK – Head of the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) Lieutenant General Suharyanto handed over logistics and cash assistance for post-flood recovery to the residents of Trenggalek District, East Java Province, on Thursday.
Suharyanto also reviewed the impact of the flash flood as well as activities in public kitchen and evacuation posts.
In addition to 400 food packages and Rp250 million-disaster emergency response aid, the agency provided rubber boat for disaster mitigation operation in the district.
The BNPB head ensured that his side would disburse more assistance if deemed necessary.
Suharyanto expected that the post-disaster recovery process would run as planned, so when the disaster emergency response period ends, the government can immediately conduct rehabilitation and reconstruction that is targeted for completion by the end of December 2022.
The government had decided to impose a disaster emergency response period for two weeks, starting October 18, 2022.
Suharyanto has appealed to all parties, especially the community, to increase their disaster vigilance amid the recent extreme weather condition, considering that disaster potentials usually increase during the rainy season.
In addition, some disasters are triggered by overpopulation, exploitation of nature, and declining environmental carrying capacity.
Meanwhile, Head of Trenggalek District Mochamad Nur Arifin lauded and thanked the BNPB for the assistance.
The assistance will be used by all related parties in the district to jointly expedite the disaster mitigation process.
“Later, the ready-to-use funds will be utilized together across the institutions, such as the military and police, so that the works (on post-flood recovery) can be completed faster,” the head district remarked.
The flash flood that struck Trenggalek District is one of the 227 disaster events that occurred across Indonesia on October 1-20, 2022, as recorded by BNPB.
The agency noted that tens of thousands of people were affected, 33 people passed away, and some of the residents were still missing due to the disaster.(ds/antara)