MPR Mulls Inclusion of New Capital Development in PPHN

Speaker of the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR RI), Bambang Soesatyo, at the Presidential Palace complex in Jakarta on Friday (August 12, 2022). (ds/ANTARA/Indra Arief Pribadi)


DINAMIKASULTRA.COM, JAKARTA – The People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) is considering including the new capital’s development in the state policy guidelines (PPHN) through a Constitutional convention to ensure development continuity.

“MPR RI is currently conceiving the state policy guidelines, and the new capital (development) will be included in the guidelines. The new capital must finish no matter who is the president, and the project must continue regardless of the successor that will preside over major national projects,” MPR Speaker Bambang Soesatyo said at the Presidential Palace complex here on Friday.

The inclusion of the new capital’s development in PPHN would make it immune from legal actions that could suspend the process, he highlighted.

“I say, ‘If (the new capital is regulated) by law, it will be prone to judicial review,’ and the (president’s) successor could also issue a regulation in lieu of law. There is no assurance though we need at least 15–20 years to complete the new capital’s development, which means four presidential terms,” he expounded.

The assurance to continue the new capital development is needed as the new capital will have long-term benefits for the people, he said.

“(This is) Observing the President’s earlier presentation convincing us to ensure that major national projects must benefit the people in the long run and must not be stalled when a (presidential) succession occurs,” Soesatyo added.

Meanwhile, he affirmed that the parliament has agreed not to seek the adoption of PPHN through a Constitutional amendment — which had stirred people’s suspicions who had accused the government of foul play — but instead through a Constitutional convention.

“The MPR RI still has the authority to enact resolutions per Article 100 Paragraph 2 of MPR RI rules,” the assembly speaker noted.

The adoption of PPHN through a Constitutional convention will bring the state guidelines on par with the parliament’s session, which has been organized annually despite not being mandated by the Constitution nor other laws, yet retained due to its high importance, he stated.

MPR RI will convene a plenary session to decide the state policy guidelines next September, Soesatyo added.

“After our plenary session in September, we will set up a Constitutional convention committee, which means the Constitutional convention (will involve) leaders of national institutions,” he informed.

The parliament had earlier passed Law No. 3 of 2022 on National Capital on February 15, 2022, providing the legal basis for the transfer of the national capital from Jakarta to the planned city of Nusantara in East Kalimantan.(ds/antara)

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