DINAMIKASULTRA.COM, JAKARTA – The Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture is pushing the acceleration of tuberculosis (TB) control through several strategic programs.
“One of the strategic programs being promoted is the Action Plan for the Integrated Tuberculosis Control Partnership Program or the Protection Action (program),” Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy said here on Wednesday.
According to the minister, the Protection Action program aims to increase the role of the community and partners in accelerating TB control with a focus on promotive, preventive, complementary curative, and rehabilitative efforts.
“We also want to remind and strengthen the commitment of the relevant ministries, as well as community organizations, communities, and NGOs that have fully paid attention to efforts to control TB,” he added.
This is in accordance with the mandate of Presidential Regulation Number 67 of 2021 concerning tuberculosis control, he said.
“The Presidential Regulation mandates increasing collaboration and coordination as well as increasing the participation of communities, stakeholders, and other multi-sectors in TB control,” he noted.
The minister said that through the Protection Action program, his ministry is hoping that there would be joint action in efforts to accelerate TB control.
“The spirit of collaboration to accelerate the elimination of TB will be realized through the Protection Action program, which is an integrated program for TB control partnerships,” he added.
He noted that the acceleration of TB control is a shared responsibility of the government and the community. For that reason, the role of the community is highly necessary for TB prevention and control.
“The existence of TB cases can be a motivation for us to jointly commit to tackling TB and eventually achieving TB elimination by 2030,” he said.
He also called for increasing the dissemination of information and education of the public regarding tuberculosis to improve people’s awareness and understanding of the disease.(ds/antara)